Soil Sampling
A good soil sample can determine the success, or failure even, of your yearly crop. Without good soil preparation the strength and vitality of your planting can be compromised, and even lost altogether. As a result, the quality of the soil sample is essential to ensure you are using the best fertilizer,detecting contaminants, and choosing which variety to plant.
Introducing the quality solution of Holtkamp Consulting. We are committed to accuracy and quality in allsoil samples we take. We provide contractual soil sampling services for small business orlarge corporations. Our guarantee is independent, honest, proven, and timely workmanship. We havea proven track record of quality.
With our state-of-the-art technology, we will ensure that the soil sample is accurate and free of contamination. Our improved techniques cut down if not eliminate completely, human related variability and any possible errors.
We understand that our clients are busy people. Our results will be returned to you on time with top notch recommendations to maximize crop yield. We are committed to using proven strategies which are customized to the speed of returned data,management of the data, and subsequent storage.
Holtkamp Consulting will bridge the gap of intense seasonal work,while maintaining a highly productive, and sustainable partnership with our customers for years to come.